Pedro Alonso Vázquez
Vice President & CEO
Eng. Pedro Alonso Vázquez is a mexican industrial engineer. Since the beginning of his carreer has been involved in construction, always searching for the best logisitic and strategic solutions in diverse projects.
He has 35 years of experience with tower cranes, 10 as a technician, 15 as a commercial associate and 10 as the CEO of Espamex, the official Jaso Tower Crane distributor in México.
He has developed the industrial systems that allow Espamex to adapt to the realities of Mexico and to become a world class Tower Crane company.
Espamex is the main tower crane distributor in Mexico, 10,000 projects in 45 years, 500 tower cranes and has participated in the most important projects as:
The Millimetric Telescope at Sierra Negra volcano, the highest tower crane mounted at 14,700 ft above the sea level.
The Panama canal in which 18 Jaso/Espamex tower cranes were used.
The Eastern Emissor Tunnel, 40 milles of the main sewage tunnel for the 20,000,000 habitants of Mexico City.
Rise Tower, the tallest building in Latin América and the second tallest skyscraper built outside Asia.
Espamex has participated in the building of 90% of the tallest skyscrapers in Mexico.